Sunday, May 17, 2015, marked the church ‘kick-off’ presentation for a new season of development of the church’s emerging Prayer and Meditation GroveDuring the coffee hour between church services, Jerry Schierloh, coordinator of development for the Grove, made a brief presentation, focusing on opportunities for those who wished to make donations to Grove features that are being planned for development during the 2015 summer season.

Such donation opportunities included:  Six new benches for the proposed Chapel; a simulated, Chapel Window; a Chapel Banner, highlighting the musical themes of the Chapel; a Chapel Alcove, featuring three prominent symbols of the Christian faith; a Chapel Mandala, giving emphasis to three prominent aspects of DFUMC ministries (Music, Prayer, and Mission); and a variety of signs that will be hand-crafted to add color and interpretation to various aspects of the Grove.

To date, thirteen donations have been received, representing about half of what will be needed for full development of Grove features this summer season.  All those who have made donations toward the Grove, both this year and last year, are listed in a “Book of Recognition and Grateful Appreciation” that is located on a special lectern that will be permanently housed in the ‘Grove Room’ adjacent to the entrance narthex of the church.  Pictured below is a photo of the cover of the Book of Recognition and Grateful Appreciation, along with a ‘sample’ page from that Book.

Those who may be interested in making additional donations may contact Jerry Schierloh at 973-293-3145.  Still needed are donations for three Chapel benches, a Chapel Banner, and a number of hand-crafted signs, including an entrance sign for the Grove.


IMG_6228.jpegSample from Book of Recognition and Grateful Appreciation”

Dingmans Ferry UMC

Prayer and Meditation Grove


Discipleship Prayer Circle


Len and Carol Van Orden (Aug, 2014)

      Prayer Circle Bench w/Lord’s Prayer Verse Plates:

        “Our Father, who art in Heaven

  Hallowed be thy name.”

Given in Memory of Hidie Van Orden & Elva Becker

Susan and David Ridyard (Aug, 2014)

      Prayer Circle Bench w/Lord’s Prayer Verse Plates:

            “Thy Kingdom come,

              Thy will be done,

                  on earth as it is in Heaven.”

Given in Memory of Thomas and Evelyn Ridyard

Carol and Art Birtner (Aug, 2014)

      Prayer Circle Bench w/Lord’s Prayer Verse Plates:

        “Give us this day our daily bread.

  And forgive us our trespasses,

  as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Given in Memory of Robert Fenwick

& Our Parents and Loved Ones

Lisa Niper (Aug, 2014)

      Prayer Circle Bench w/Lord’s Prayer Verse Plates:

        “And lead us not into temptation,

            but deliver us from evil,

            For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, for ever and ever.  Amen.